First CIrcle

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AS I was doing my blog, I wanted to put something different. Those flags was little boring to me. So this time I got 2 flags that look similar. Obviously they have difference, but they look alike generally very much. These two flags are very simple and have a big circle in the center part of the flag. And just like I did before I’m just going to introduce these two flags. Additionally, there was person who actually got confused flag of Bangladesh with National flag of Japan, and those two have totally different color. Anyway, The Flag of Bangladesh is just, simple as I said. It has green background and red circle on the center part of the flag. The red circle is not in the perfect center, but it is little bit more close to the left side of the flag. Since 1972, the flag should be like this, but many pictures and actual flags have red circle at the center. Greenery (I don’t know about this but,) and life force, of people of Bangladesh and their spirit. Next, the red circle will obviously remind the sun, or the rising sun. it also represents all the blood and sacrifices the people of Bangladesh has made. I was very curious about why did they putted red circle closer to the left side, not in the perfect center. If anyone finds out, please tell me. So before 1972 or from 1971 to 1972, flag once had a change like all other flags do. They had the red circle in perfect center, and also had yellow picture in the red circle. I don’t know why they changed it, but I think maybe it was hard to draw. The yellow picture or shape was the map of Bangladesh. Of course they had more previous flags before. I think many people in Asia will be familiar to this flag, but anyway it’s the national flag of Japan. This flag from Japan looks more simple compare to the flag of Bangladesh. This one also has red circle, (but in the center) with white background. It sounds students will not have much fun with drawing flag, compare to the children in Korea or in United States of America. This must be almost the simplest flag in the world. However, there is flag of Libya, which is only with the pure green in whole entire flag. There could be other flag that I don’t know. Now, going back to the topic, the national Flag of Japan has been through about thousand years with Japanese people, and the neither the maker nor the date when it’s been made is clearly known. But it was officially adopted on January 27, 1870 as the flag of Imperial Japan. I don’t really think the white part shows or represents something, but it’s just to emphasize the Red circle. So, the red circle is about sun, the rising sun. The Japanese name, ‘Hinomaru’ means the ‘circle of the sun’. I believe most of Japanese are proud of their flags. So, the two flags common part was, the red circle, rising sun. I think they both wanted the rise of their own country more than anything to put on their flags.

About t

i'm a learner

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