hey! i’m back ! hahahahah

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There are so many flags in this world that exists or that existed and obviously, there can be more in the future. Among those flags many of them are flag for one country. Through the flag we can see or know even a little about that country. Some countries in the world, are unions, or was united and now they are called as one country (/nation). Today here is a country named United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Also not very related but close country Switzerland. Flags of these two countries can be very familiar to many people because it has been same flag for a long time and also because these countries are very strong and influential.


England, actually, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, has a flag named ‘Union Jack’ or ‘Union Flag’. This flag has been part of long history, starting when they adopted this flag officially on 1801. This flag has very interesting fact. The Union Jack is actually the combined form of three different flags, they originally had. Of course those flags were flags for each different part of country. These flags that became base of Union Jack are: St. George’s flag from England,


And St. Patrick‘s flag from Ireland,


And lastly, the St. Andrew’s flag from Scotland


By Mixing and combining of these three flags, it was like evidence of being United Kingdom (of Great Britain and Northern Ireland).



The country Switzerland is very famous and powerful country and also known as very peaceful country now. In Europe History, they were not always like this, but opposite; they were weak and small country and had attack a lot. If anyone wants to teach me history, please do. Anyway, Switzerland, or Swiss confederation’s first start was in 1291, and not sure about since when but for a long time, they stayed neutral in the history.

Actually, there is really not much to write about the flag of Switzerland / Swiss confederation. They just have a cross, (that vertical and horizontal lengths are same, I guess) white one on a red background in a square shape. Also the country officially took this flag December 12, 1889. I saw that the design of this flag has been way older than this, but it’s maybe not really important.

Plus, this flag from Switzerland / Swiss Confederation and flag that ICRC is using right now is very similar to each other. All they have to do is just switch the colors, do the background becomes white and the cross becomes red in Swiss Confederation’s side, and same thing but opposite order happens to ICRC’s flag. I have no idea about relations between those two flags, but ICRC uses more with Round circle background with the words on it. I did saw one exactly same thing I described before, but I don’t remember where I have seen it.

And also, internet told me that there is only two flags in Square shape, including the Switzerland’s flag. Another one is Vatican City’s flag. I did not know I had to make Switzerland’s flag in Square. Not just normal flag rectangular shape.







All the sources are from,

General common knowledge

From my head,

And few web pages,

For UK,




And for Netherland,



ICRC – http://www.icrc.org/eng/index.jsp


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Until now, there were 6 flags with star (or with stars) form may different countries. i don’t think this one will be the last one with stars. I think I will come up with other flags with star but may be with other title and other theme. Don’t think this is going to be great as before.


Today’s new and last flags to talk about are flag of Algeria and flag of Mauritania

The National Flag of Algeria has been national flag in Algeria for about half century. It has green and white background splits the flag into half vertically. The Red symbol in the middle looks like connecting two parts of background. The symbol is made up with moon and star, looks like the moon (crescent) is protecting or more like wrapping around the star. As all the other flags were, and as Muslims commonly use, The moon (crescent) , star, and the green color represents the Islam. Those characteristics have been representing the Islamic culture for a long time. It is something traditional, like Buddhism uses yellow color. The red color of this Islamic symbol indicates freedom (liberty) of their country. Red is coming out too often, with same meaning to most of the flags, that’s very boring. So, last color, White, represents purity and stuff as everyone expected. I think it is very clearly seen how they made that flag, in what type of base.


The national Flag of Mauritania, looks little funny. It looks like it is smiling to the people who are looking at it. May be something like one eyed monster? – And I this picture was very funny to me.

However, it’s the national Flag for the people of Mauritania, it means something. The flag has two simple similar colors, green and yellow. Green appears on the whole background of this flag, and the yellow covers the symbol part. This symbol is very alike with Algerian Flag’s one, the only difference is that the crescent of this symbol is under the star

Second miDdle, Star to sTar to ‘stAr’ to staR

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Last time, I posted on 2 flags among 6 flags that are with star. Anyway for today, I’ll introduce other 2 flags as I did last time, introducing 2 flags together at a time. So, these 2 flags are… very each of them are very different, but very alike at the same time. I think […]

SEries? just stars?

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There must be a lot of flags with stars in it, I know, and I don’t want to look for all of them. Plus, there are six more flags I found after the flag of Israel and flag of Somalia. So, I think this will be enough for flags with star.

Anyway, the six flags with star or stars are these.


But they are six of them so I will talk about only two of them for each time.

So, today it will be the flag of Morocco, and the flag of Angola.

There were no special reasons to pick these two flags, again. Really it was just because of their names, they were easy to pronounce, and easy to remember to me.

First one to start with is flag of Morocco. The flag is from the Kingdom of Morocco.


This flag is also very simple like Somalia’s flag did; there is only a star and background. The difference between this flag and flag from Somalia is there color, and the shape of the star.

If you remember, the star from the Somalia’s flag was full star had no other space. In Morocco’s flag, the star only has some kind of outline or a star looks like someone has drawn it. Star from Morocco will be very easy to draw in simple way, but it will be harder if you want to draw it perfectly. And also, flag from Somalia will be easier to draw if you draw it perfectly, compare to Morocco’s flag. that was just my personal opinion.

The red color in this flag indicates the successors of the Prophet Mohammed, the preacher of Islam. The green star in this flag is also called the Seal of Solomon, and it shows the association of God and their country. I think this makes their country very Islamic, of course they made this flag because they were Muslims, but anyway. The flag that I used to have wasn’t like that at all so; it was new kind of thing to me.

The flag from morocco looked very much like itself to me, and apparently, the flag of Angola does more.

This flag looks very power-wanting and powerful and little bit sad to me. It was also a little bit scary to me as a flag.

This flag has three colors, red, black and yellow. I heard this from somewhere that those colors indicate dangerousness in nature. This might be not a true statement, but I remember it usually when I see any animal. So, the background divides into two parts, which is simply red on upper side and black on the other side. The yellow takes part with symbol that looks like a star and weapons, in the middle. This flag seems like a flag with stronger message with it, to me. I don’t really know, or I did not even know until now, about the Republic of Angola. Still, their flag makes me feel sadness and anger, and may be with a small hope. The red stands for their blood in struggle for their independence as usual, and the black for the African Continent. Oh, the Symbol was a crossed cog wheel and a machete, and obvious a star. They also have their own meanings, but if you want to know you can find it for yourself, I think that will be more fun to everyone.

haha, this is really yay! fun, working, and lot of work to do Weekend.

New Star -t

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Continuing like I did with last two postings, I will talk about two national flags from two countries. But from this one, it is not going to be about circle, now there are countries this stars on their flag. I don’t know even this makes sense, but it was interesting to me enough before I started to writing this right now. The two flags are from Israel and Somalia. These two countries have big star right on the middle of their flag. Also, these flags have only two colors on their flag, white and blue. That is why I chose these two flags to put together.

The first one to start is the national flag of Israel. This flag is very familiar to me, and probably also it is for many other countries. The color of background of this flag is white. This flag has star with six tips, which is like combined form of two triangles, one upside down. The star only has lines and it literally looks like combined form of to triangles. The color of the star is blue, and so as the horizontal lines on the top and bottom of the flag. And this star, is a symbol for the Shield of David, or Star of David. This flag was adopted officially on October 28th, 1948, and in Hebrew calendar it is 25, Tishre, 5709. I personally think this is good flag; it is simple and complicated enough to show their own belief or thoughts.

The next coming flag is form Somalia! The national flag of Somalia, simple and cute flag it is. They have blue background, and they have white big and cute star in the middle, and that is everything for this flag! it is simple and cute and very clean and neat. I think it will be also good for art class in kindergarten for little children. Anyway, this flag was adopted on October 12th, 1954. The color blue on this flag shows the blue sky above Somalia and the United Nations, who help Somalia for their freedom. The White Star is for the Liberty of the Africans. They say each point of that star is for their historic realms, which I do not really know what they are. I was not really interested for that deep. Still I do think that flag looks very hopeful and positive for me.

Second CIrcle

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Following from the last entry, this one is also about circle, but not that similar to the previous flags. They are little more complicate compare to the flag of Bangladesh and Flag of Japan, just very little bit more complicate. They are also from Asia I believe. The flag are , the national flag of Kirgizstan, and the national flag of Laos. There is no special reason for choosing these two flags, but they were just first two flags I have found. There can be lot more flags with big circle in the center part of the flag, or not. J

The flag form Kirgizstan, is very passionate looking flag. First time when I saw that, I thought it had some sort of flaming symbol on a flag.

As everyone can see, it has Red background and yellow symbol on the center of the flag. The symbol of this flag has sunrays and there are 40 of them. Those rays represent the legendary hero from their literature. Also, it is number of unified tribes in Kirgizstan.  The Background color came from the banner that Manas used, according to the ‘Znameirowski’ the national hero of Kirgizstan, who united the 40 tribes. This flag was adopted in 1992. The word Kirgiz means red, so it is like their national color of their country is red. The cross that looks like an X inside the sun rays are the symbol came from the something called ‘yurt’. ‘Yurt’ is a movable nomadic house that has been came down from generations, like something traditional house. So, this country has putted the great legend (or true story) of their country, and the symbol that shows something from their traditional things. I think it could be good for flag. I think it’s better than having a flag with ridiculous stories and meanings with it.

Another flag which I’m going to talk about it is a National flag of Laos. The national flag of Laos was adapted to its country in 1975. This flag is pretty simple to compare to countries like, maybe Brazil or something. I personally think Brazil has one of complicated flag to draw. Anyway, they have red, blue, and white, which are very common colors. They also have circle, and its color is white, and blue and red striped (?) background. It looks like one of few countries who do not uses star (or stars) in their flag with communist type of flag. So, I think that makes them special already.

The red color in this flag shows the blood that has been bleed for the freedom of this country. I wonder why the color red generally represents blood. I do know that blood is red, and the freedom or whatever they have been protecting with their blood-shed is important but, you don’t really have to put blood when you have to describe your flag. I think there are lot more better and good meanings to color red. Anyway that’s just how I felt so, the color blue in this flag means simply just the gold. I meant wealth. And lastly, the color of the circle, white indicates the moon that has been reflected by the river named Mekong in Laos. I have actually been to that country, that river. There were actual people living there. I am sad that I could not see that moon reflected by the river. It will be awesome if I see it, including the people who live there and some animal maybe.

First CIrcle

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AS I was doing my blog, I wanted to put something different. Those flags was little boring to me. So this time I got 2 flags that look similar. Obviously they have difference, but they look alike generally very much. These two flags are very simple and have a big circle in the center part of the flag. And just like I did before I’m just going to introduce these two flags. Additionally, there was person who actually got confused flag of Bangladesh with National flag of Japan, and those two have totally different color. Anyway, The Flag of Bangladesh is just, simple as I said. It has green background and red circle on the center part of the flag. The red circle is not in the perfect center, but it is little bit more close to the left side of the flag. Since 1972, the flag should be like this, but many pictures and actual flags have red circle at the center. Greenery (I don’t know about this but,) and life force, of people of Bangladesh and their spirit. Next, the red circle will obviously remind the sun, or the rising sun. it also represents all the blood and sacrifices the people of Bangladesh has made. I was very curious about why did they putted red circle closer to the left side, not in the perfect center. If anyone finds out, please tell me. So before 1972 or from 1971 to 1972, flag once had a change like all other flags do. They had the red circle in perfect center, and also had yellow picture in the red circle. I don’t know why they changed it, but I think maybe it was hard to draw. The yellow picture or shape was the map of Bangladesh. Of course they had more previous flags before. I think many people in Asia will be familiar to this flag, but anyway it’s the national flag of Japan. This flag from Japan looks more simple compare to the flag of Bangladesh. This one also has red circle, (but in the center) with white background. It sounds students will not have much fun with drawing flag, compare to the children in Korea or in United States of America. This must be almost the simplest flag in the world. However, there is flag of Libya, which is only with the pure green in whole entire flag. There could be other flag that I don’t know. Now, going back to the topic, the national Flag of Japan has been through about thousand years with Japanese people, and the neither the maker nor the date when it’s been made is clearly known. But it was officially adopted on January 27, 1870 as the flag of Imperial Japan. I don’t really think the white part shows or represents something, but it’s just to emphasize the Red circle. So, the red circle is about sun, the rising sun. The Japanese name, ‘Hinomaru’ means the ‘circle of the sun’. I believe most of Japanese are proud of their flags. So, the two flags common part was, the red circle, rising sun. I think they both wanted the rise of their own country more than anything to put on their flags.

second flag is from splendid country, India

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The National flag of India is a flag with very simple look. It can be divided in to 4 parts including the symbol in the middle part. There is symbol at the center of the flag as shown before, and three colors that divides the flag horizontally. The upper, first part of this flag looked like orange to me, but it has saffron color, and middle part is simply white. The last lowest part of this flag is colored green. Also, the symbol is always colored blue.

The National Flag of India

As all the flags should do, this flag also has meanings. According to the government, the saffron indicates the courage and the strength of the country. The White, meaning peace and truth, has symbol. Lastly the green, lowest part is about fertility, growth and fortune and benefit of the land. The symbol in blue color is shaped in wheel of law with 24 spokes and it represents the ‘Dharma chakra’. The entire flag is a symbol for freedom.

This flag (of this design) has been existed since July 22nd 1947, approved by the Constituent Assembly of India. Present Indian national flag has been discovered in their time of struggle for freedom. Until this flag, people are using now, the flag has been changed a lot with some differences between each of them. There are few of them but, among pictures here 2 of them will be just old form of present flag. Beside those 2 flags, there are 3 flags more that were used officially or not officially by people. The first national flag of India came out and was in India in 1906, August 7th. It also had three colors but it was green, yellow, and red, not saffron, white, and green. After this second one came out in 1907. It changed its colors to saffron, yellow, and green, which got little similar to present flag. With third flag, which came out in 1917, it looked more complicated and different from any other flags including the present one. It had red and Green strip lines at the back and had Union Jack at the corner of the flag. Anyway by fixing (at least it looked like that to myself) the ‘unofficially adopted’ flag in 1921, they gained present flag. There is one more flag that looks like middle step for now between these two flags.

Example flags for that are not used today,

are these flags.

To this national flag, there is some additional information that might be interesting to you.

On May 29th 1953, they hoisted the national flag of India in highest peak of MT Everest, which is also highest peak in the world. In 1971, the national flag of India went into the space, through spaceship Apollo-15, and went out to space again in April 1984, on spacesuit, during the Indo-Soviet joint space flight or whatever. These were just for fun, so you can research about this or you can just ignore this paragraph.


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The very first flag on this blog will be the flag of South Korea. The Korean name of this flag is Taegukgi. This flag does not have long history on itself, but just like other flags it has been part of history with meanings to each part of the flag.

Taegukgi was made in late 19th century, through one event. In 1875, Japanese warship named ‘Unyo’ came close to costal sea of Incheon with their flag without Korean permission. This particular event brought first formal discussion about flag of the country. In 1883 January 27th in lunar calendar, King (or Emperor of Korean Empire) Gojong officially declared the flag of Korea, the Taegukgi. After this, people used Taegukgi a lot, but many times it was used in inappropriate ways. In 1948 Korean government standardized the figure of the flag. This Taegukgi have gone through Korean history since then, like March 1st movement.

Taegukgi itself symbolizes peace, unity, creation, light (bright hope), infinity, harmony and equality.

Taegukgi can be divided in to 3 parts, its background – white part, the middle – circle part, and side – the black parts. Each of them has its own meanings.

The background is all white, which shows ‘peace’. It represents the nationality of traditional patriotism, brightness, and purity.

On the center of the flag, there is a circle mark of Ying and Yang, which is called ‘Taeguk’ mark. This mark (symbol) is sign of harmony of Ying and Yang and truth of the nature in universe, like normal Ying and Yang mark does. However, the Taeguk mark is colored with red and blue; the upper part is colored with red and lower part with blue. Red in this symbol indicates Yang, nobility, upper part, and Left and blue will indicate Ying, hope, lower part and right.

Last part to explain is the black stripes on every corner of the flag. These stripes are called ‘goi’, and each four of them has their own name. The meaning of stripe symbols continues from the Taeguk circle. People usually call these stripes 4 goi, or ‘Gun Gon Li Gam’ their names. Starting from the left upper corner, then to opposite angle, then to opposite side, and right upper corner is order according to their name.

Each one has many meanings in many ways.  Those ways are season, direction, nature, family, five elements and actual meaning. Gun shows spring, east, sky, father, gold and justice. Gon shows summer, west, earth, mother, soil, and prosperity. These two also means infinite development or growth together. Li represents autumn(fall), south, sun, son, fire and wisdom. Lastly, Gam will represent winter, north, moon, daughter, water and life force. Combind meaning of these to symbols is bright prospect, as characters are showing the sin and moon. All of these 4 symbols are solidified figure of change and development, using divination sign.

Korean government has organized the proper way to hang out the flag. In every national holiday like in January 1st, March 1st, and in august 15th, government hangs out Taegukgi in the streets to celebrate or to remember that day. Unfortunately, these days only very few amount of people are hanging the Taegukgi voluntarily. I believe each flag of every country as their nationality and all the flags should be cared by their onw people.

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