second flag is from splendid country, India

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The National flag of India is a flag with very simple look. It can be divided in to 4 parts including the symbol in the middle part. There is symbol at the center of the flag as shown before, and three colors that divides the flag horizontally. The upper, first part of this flag looked like orange to me, but it has saffron color, and middle part is simply white. The last lowest part of this flag is colored green. Also, the symbol is always colored blue.

The National Flag of India

As all the flags should do, this flag also has meanings. According to the government, the saffron indicates the courage and the strength of the country. The White, meaning peace and truth, has symbol. Lastly the green, lowest part is about fertility, growth and fortune and benefit of the land. The symbol in blue color is shaped in wheel of law with 24 spokes and it represents the ‘Dharma chakra’. The entire flag is a symbol for freedom.

This flag (of this design) has been existed since July 22nd 1947, approved by the Constituent Assembly of India. Present Indian national flag has been discovered in their time of struggle for freedom. Until this flag, people are using now, the flag has been changed a lot with some differences between each of them. There are few of them but, among pictures here 2 of them will be just old form of present flag. Beside those 2 flags, there are 3 flags more that were used officially or not officially by people. The first national flag of India came out and was in India in 1906, August 7th. It also had three colors but it was green, yellow, and red, not saffron, white, and green. After this second one came out in 1907. It changed its colors to saffron, yellow, and green, which got little similar to present flag. With third flag, which came out in 1917, it looked more complicated and different from any other flags including the present one. It had red and Green strip lines at the back and had Union Jack at the corner of the flag. Anyway by fixing (at least it looked like that to myself) the ‘unofficially adopted’ flag in 1921, they gained present flag. There is one more flag that looks like middle step for now between these two flags.

Example flags for that are not used today,

are these flags.

To this national flag, there is some additional information that might be interesting to you.

On May 29th 1953, they hoisted the national flag of India in highest peak of MT Everest, which is also highest peak in the world. In 1971, the national flag of India went into the space, through spaceship Apollo-15, and went out to space again in April 1984, on spacesuit, during the Indo-Soviet joint space flight or whatever. These were just for fun, so you can research about this or you can just ignore this paragraph.

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i'm a learner

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